Pakistani Animated Movie Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers First Trailer Released for Final Film The makers of the Dajjal Movie 'Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers’ produced by a team of WBJ Media in UAE and Pakistan, are proud to announce the upcoming launch of the movie's trailer. The trailer will be available to the general public on Wednesday, May 03, 2017. People are asked to support the launch campaign by sharing it through their social media channels before this launch date. A trailer preview is currently available through the official website, . Watch First Official Trailer: "We're so excited about the launch and we need the help now of people who believe that the current affairs are planned," says Rana Abrar, director of the 'Dajjal The Slayer and His Followers' Movie." The point of this movie is a movement which is inspired of plan for global domination. ...
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